
Streamline your business with our digital dentistry solutions!!

We accept scan files of all intraoral scanners.

At Laxmi dental, we are abreast of the advances in CAD-CAM technology and have invested in state-of-the-art equipment, software & technology.By integrating digital workflows in designing and manufacturing, we ensure greater efficiency and predictability of our dental restorations.

Why choose digital over traditional analog work?

1. Save on physical impression material and shipping costs

2. Save time sending digital impressions

3. Faster turnaround

4. Get predictable and improved quality of final restorations

5. Reduced remakes

6. Save chairside time with minimal adjustment

Submit Digital Scan Files

Laxmi Dental is equipped to accept digital scan files from all major intra oral scanners around the globe. Enjoy a faster turnaround time and send us the digital cases